Colin Mast


Colin is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and received his B.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Geography and Environmental Studies with a minor in Mathematics. He is particularly interested in research that combines field-based methods with landscape-scale spatial analysis to better understand how the spatial patterns and impacts of fire are changing in the forested landscapes of the Western United States. Past research projects include mapping the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), assessing wildfire risk in the Sierra Nevada, creating regional maps to promote sustainable forestry in Argentina, and reconstructing the fire history and stand development within the Elliott State Research Forest.

 Colin’s current research focuses on modeling the potential impacts that an experimental forest management design may have on habitat, biodiversity, and carbon storage under climate change and interacting disturbances within the Elliott State Research Forest. He is also working with three groups of forest ecosystem modelers to compare the behavior and utility of different forest ecosystem models (FVS Biosum, ED2, and LANDIS-II) for projecting the effects of changes in climate, management, and disturbance on West Coast forests into the future.


